Tag Archives: media

Show #143 Activism, Wombles & Plan C


On this show Yodet Gherez interviews a long standing Activist who was involved with the Anti Globalization Movements of the late 90’s and early 2000’s. We talk about old and new groups he has been in or is a part of like The Wombles, Plan C, Anti-Fascist organising, varies campaigns and more!

Music by the band 52 commercial road .

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Show #69 Mainstream Media

Union members at the BBC on strike in 2011

Union members at the BBC on strike in 2011 © Donnacha DeLong

Christmas strikes at the BBC called off, the crisis over Newsnight, the Leveson inquiry and the backlash in the media. It’s been an interesting year for the mainstream media. Donnacha DeLong speaks to Simon, a union rep at the BBC, and Thais Portilho-Shrimpton, who worked for the Hacked Off campaign during the Leveson inquiry.

Plus, at the end, a little bit of seasonal cheer with the ‘Crappy Christmas Song’.

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Show #67 Reflections On Radical Media

The collective behind London Indymedia are closing shop. In the past twelve years, the collective have racked up over 100 years of involvement in radical political organising and media production and have provided invaluable resources, contributing to the proliferation of information, communication, opinion and discussion within the UK radical political movements in which they are situated. They recently published their decision to archive the site and close down the project, stating a desire to move on to other political work. This show features a conversation with several former members of the London Indymedia collective on reasons for wrapping up and moving on, with much time spent reflecting on the current state of independent media production in an information age with a vast majority of internet track going towards a handful of corporately owned and controlled social networking tools and publishing platforms. (You can listen to the full version of the interview on Dissident Island episode 111.

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